Computer Science Waterloo University: AIF Tips & Examples 2023/2024

If you are looking for guidance, examples, and prep tips for the University of Waterloo’s Applicant Information Form (AIF) for the Cheriton School of Computer Science, then you’ve come to the right place. 

This guide is based on the 2023/2024 application. We’ll update it again Fall 2024 to reflect the new application once it’s released.

In the meantime, if you’re serious about getting into Waterloo CS, we recommend you schedule a free consultation for our 1-on-1 Youth Coaching services.

Before you dive in, it’s important to understand that the admissions committees receive thousands of applications every year. To help you stand out from the crowd, you need to demonstrate a clear sense of self, strong life experience, and exemplary communication skills.

Our ‘full student’ coaching process does exactly that. If you’re not working with a coach, be sure to read the Self-Awareness, Goal-Setting, and Deductive Communication Skills Guides.

The Deductive Communication Approach™ is a ‘top-down’ method that lets you communicate your skills, experiences, and interests in a unique and memorable way. All Waterloo Computer Science AIF examples and templates use this approach.

We use essay templates to show you a suggested essay structure that uses the Deductive Communication Approach™. Using this structure does not mean your essays will be the same as other students because it is designed to help you create unique essays that are completely authentic to your individual identity and experiences.

We also suggest following the 5-step essay writing process we teach, seen here.

If you’re serious about getting into Waterloo Computer Science and reaching your fullest post-secondary potential, connect with a coach. It’s never too early to receive coaching.

Table of Contents

  1. Waterloo AIF Overview
  2. Waterloo AIF About You: Part A: Tips; Question Templates & Examples; and More.
  3. Waterloo AIF About You: Part B: Tips; Question Templates & Examples; and More.
  4. Waterloo AIF Courses: Tips; Question Templates & Examples; and More.
  5. Waterloo AIF Math Computer Science: Tips; Question Templates & Examples; and More.

Computer Science Waterloo Application – Waterloo University AIF

Waterloo Computer Science asks you to complete an Admissions Information Form (AIF) so that they can get a better sense of your experiences, interests, and whether you’d be a good fit for the program. 

The OUAC application deadline for Waterloo Computer Science is February 1, 2023

The deadline for the AIF (and all other required documents) is February 17, 2023 at 11:59pm EST.

Access your Waterloo AIF here.

In this guide, we’ll go through each section of the Waterloo AIF and provide templates/examples so you can ace the Waterloo AIF. 

REMEMBER: Check out this template we created to help you write unique and memorable AIF answers (keep reading for breakdowns and examples for each question of the AIF).

You’ll be asked to fill out questions that tell the admissions committee more about you, like your background, interest in the program, and prior education. 

The Waterloo AIF has 4 main components:

  1. About You: Part A
  2. About You: Part B
  3. Courses 
  4. Math Computer Science (for Math Computer Science applicants only)

Some of the questions in the AIF are optional and some are required. However, we suggest that you complete ALL of the questions, even if they are listed as optional. 

Waterloo says that a team of readers, which is made up mostly of retired high school math teachers, evaluates the Waterloo Computer Science AIFs. This is where our Deductive Communication Approach™ will be key because this is the type of communication style they’re used to seeing and it can help your essays stand out.

The application requirements haven’t changed much in several years, so we won’t include older applications here.

Before getting started on your Waterloo Computer Science AIF, check out this template we designed to help you write the best AIF possible (don’t worry, we’ll go into each section in more detail below).

Do you have questions about the application process, writing your AIF, or preparing for your video interview? Want to take your Waterloo AIF to the next level? Connect with a coach for support.

Computer Science Waterloo: AIF Tips, Section 1: About You – Part A

This section asks you to describe your interest in Waterloo and the Computer Science program, as well as details about your extracurriculars and employment activities. 

Here are the questions: 


“Tell us about your education goals, your interest in your chosen program(s), and reasons for choosing to apply to the University of Waterloo. If you have applied to more than one program please discuss your interest in each program (maximum 900 characters).”

Waterloo CS AIF Breakdown – Reasons for Choosing Waterloo University

This question is designed to help Waterloo’s Cheriton School of Computer Science admissions committee get a better sense of who you are, where you come from, and where you want to go.

Seems pretty straightforward, right? Well guess what…they write the question like this on purpose!

Most applicants will give the same types of answers, listing their interest in a career in Computer Science and choosing Waterloo because it’s a top program in this field. 

However, Waterloo wants to see applicants who have thought deeply about their goals, their future, and their interests beyond the surface level. Simply saying that you want to graduate and be a programmer will not get you into UW. Instead, you need to come up with a few points that show your uniqueness and authenticity.

Luckily, you’ve already done most of the heavy lifting for the first part of this question (‘tell us about your education goals’) if you’ve completed Youthfully’s Student Identity Blueprint. When you did this, you worked with your coach to create audacious yet authentic goals based on your interests and aspirations, and you found ways to take them to the next level — and this is exactly what the Waterloo admissions committee wants to see in this section. If you haven’t completed your Blueprint yet, connect with a coach now.

For the second part of this question (‘your interest in your chosen program(s), and reasons for choosing to apply to the University of Waterloo’), do some research on the Waterloo Computer Science program specifically and the university as a whole. See if there are specific professors, clubs, mission statements, courses, etc. that stick out to you. This will show that you have done your research and made an educated decision in choosing Waterloo, and that you have just as much to offer them as they will offer you.

Waterloo CS AIF Essay Template – Reasons for Choosing Waterloo

Get started on your template here (Click File > Make a Copy within the doc).

REMEMBER: There is a 900 characters limit for this answer.

The general structure of your answer to this question should have these four parts (click here to learn more about each of them):

  • Waterloo Hypothesis/Answer & Main Reasons (100-200 characters)
    • Answer the question, “Why Waterloo?”. Be specific to the university as much as you can. Briefly state your education goals and your aspirations for the future.
  • Computer Science Hypothesis/Answer & Main Reasons (100-200 characters)
    • Briefly state how Waterloo’s Computer Science program is the program that will help you reach these aspirations and goals, and describe what drew you to the program. 
  • Supporting Arguments (200-400 characters)
    • Provide specific examples for the reasons you listed above (e.g. specific clubs you want to join, professors you want to work with, a specific class you want to take, etc.).
  • So What? (200-300 characters)
    • Write a few points about how your goals and interests make you a good fit for the CS program and an asset to Waterloo more generally.

COACH’S TIP: Don’t worry about writing complete sentences in your template at first. Just write 2-3 bullet points under each section, just to get your ideas down. You can edit and perfect your answers later. If you’d like some more tips about writing these essays, check out our Deductive Communication Approach™ Guide.

Waterloo CS AIF Example – Reasons for Choosing Waterloo

Here are some examples of how to answer this question.

REMEMBER: All of the examples in this guide are EXAMPLES ONLY and are NOT meant for you to copy. Why? First and foremost, this is plagiarism and is a serious offense. Plagiarizing these essays will result in immediate disqualification from the admissions process. This can be easily detected using technology and application reviewers are usually trained and/or able to spot when an application isn’t original and does not align with an applicant’s background, personality, values, etc.

Computer science in waterloo AIF tips and examples


“Please list any extracurricular activities or areas of significant interest. These could include leadership or participation in school organizations or projects, athletics, travel, community, social activities, drama, music, clubs, personal hobbies and/or significant volunteer work.”

Waterloo CS AIF Template – Extracurricular Activities

Get started on your template here (Click File > Make a Copy > Save it to your computer).

This section is one of the easier ones to complete. Simply fill in the:

  • Activity Type: Athletics, clubs, community work, drama, hobbies, music, other, project, school organization, social activity, travel, or volunteer
  • Description/Title (40 characters or less)
  • Start Date (month/day/year)
  • End Date (month/day/year)
  • Whether you did this activity in Grade 10, 11, or 12
  • Hours per week
  • Weeks per year

Waterloo CS AIF Example – Extracurricular Activities

Here’s an example of how this section might look:

waterloo AIF example

Do you have a bunch of extracurriculars and you’re not sure which to include? Connect with a coach for help.


“Provide any additional information about anything in the table above. (600 character limit)” 

Waterloo CS AIF Essay Question Breakdown – Extracurriculars: Additional Information

This question gives you the opportunity to provide more information about the ECs you listed in Question 2.

We highly recommend completing this section because it will allow you to give the admissions committee some personal insight, like who you are, what you’re interested in, what experiences you’ve had, and what you care about. All of this is key if you want your application to stand out.

COACH’S TIP: You only get 600 characters (including spaces) for this question. When writing your essay, focus on your extracurriculars as a whole, and briefly reference 1-2 specific activities as examples. Looking at the big picture (i.e. what you learned, skills you gained, passions you developed, etc.) will show your purpose for taking part in these extracurriculars and how you grew as a person by doing them. 

Use this section to focus on the impact your extracurriculars have had on you, what you’ve accomplished, and what you’ve learned along the way. Focus on traits that Waterloo looks for, like being a leader and innovator or being organized and able to manage your time. Drive home the idea that you have real-world skills and that you are using the extracurricular activities as a way to set specific goals that will help you have a positive impact on the world both now and in the future. 

Waterloo CS AIF Essay Template – Extracurriculars: Additional Information

Get started on your template here (Click File > Make a Copy).

We designed the template for this section to help you highlight your best extracurricular achievements in a memorable and unique way. 

REMEMBER: You have a maximum of 600 characters for this section (including spaces). 

The general structure of your answer to this question should have these components (and should be one paragraph in the end):

  • The Pitch (~100 characters)
    • Think of the Hook like a ‘pitch’ in this example. Provide a quick high-level pitch of how your extracurriculars have made you a better applicant. 
  • Details (~350 characters)
    • Mention any quantifiable or significant outcomes from your extracurriculars (i.e. hours spent, money raised, etc.). Do this for your most impactful ECs. 
  • So What? (~150 characters)
    • Describe what this means to your candidacy (i.e. how does it make you a better applicant for a great fit for the Waterloo Computer Science program?).

COACH’S TIP: Use the structure below to develop a single paragraph highlighting your best extracurricular achievements. Make sure to demonstrate problem solving, time management, leadership, and commitment within each.

Waterloo CS AIF Essay Example – Extracurriculars: Additional Information

Here’s an example of a response to the question. 

REMEMBER: This is an EXAMPLE ONLY and is NOT meant for you to copy.

waterloo aif examples Computer science in waterloo university AIF tips and examples

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“Please list your most significant part-time or full-time employment in the past 2 years, beginning with the most recent.”

If you have been away from school or university for more than two years, you can send a current resume to (make sure to include your Waterloo ID#). 

Waterloo CS AIF Template – Employment Background

Get started on your template here (Click File > Make a Copy).

Enter your employment experience in reverse chronological order (i.e. your older experiences at the bottom and your most recent at the top). 

Fill in these components: 

  • Employer (max 30 characters with spaces)
  • Description/Title (max 50 characters with spaces)
  • Brief description of work/your role (max 254 characters with spaces)
  • Hours of work per week
  • Start date
  • End date

Waterloo CS AIF Example – Employment Background

Here’s an example of what this section might look like:

waterloo AIF example


“If you have received any academic or non-academic awards or distinctions, please list them below. Please provide the Size of Competition if you know how many people participated.”

Waterloo CS AIF Template – Special Achievements, Distinctions, and Awards

Get started on your template here (Click File > Make a copy).

Enter your special achievements/awards/distinctions in reverse chronological order (i.e. your older experiences at the bottom, and your most recent at the top. 

Fill in these components: 

  • Award Type (i.e. academic or non-academic)
  • Award, honour, or distinction type/name (254 characters with spaces)
  • Year you received it
  • Size of the competition (i.e. how many people you competed against/how big the applicant pool was)

Waterloo CS AIF Example – Special Achievements, Distinctions, and Awards 

Here’s a Waterloo Essay Example of what this section might look like:

waterloo AIF example

Ace your Waterloo Computer Science AIF.

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Computer Science Waterloo: AIF Tips, Section 2: About You – Part B

This section of the Waterloo AIF asks you to describe your prior education, and you’ll have the opportunity to discuss any relevant outside circumstances or additional personal information.  


“The name and location of the secondary or post-secondary school(s) you are now attending or have attended should be listed below. Are any secondary or post-secondary schools missing from the list? If yes, please add them in the space below.”

Simply select your Institution as it appears on the list.

Answer ‘Yes’ if an institution is missing from the list, and then write it in the space provided. If your institution appears on the list, select ‘No’ and do not write anything in the box provided.


“Have you taken or are you currently taking courses at a college or university?

Simply answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

If you answer ‘Yes’, give the name of the college or university, the start and end dates of your studies there, and the number of courses you took. You are required to submit all official final college or university transcripts.


“In addition to the specific information requested in all of the AIF questions, please tell us anything else about yourself that you would like us to know when we review your application.  

Please make sure to complete all sections of the AIF before submitting this page. (900 character limit)”

Waterloo CS AIF Essay Question Breakdown – Additional Information

Think of this essay as your final pitch to the admissions committee about why you should be accepted to the Waterloo comp sci program.

There are thousands of applicants — what makes YOU different?

Is there a certain trait that you’re known for, like your unwillingness to give up, your epic coding skills, or your ability to see the world in a unique way? That trait is exactly what you should focus on here.

Digging deeper into this will drive home the point that you are different from other applicants and that the admissions committee would be crazy not to let you in.

Using this essay to explore differentiating traits, like your creativity, perseverance, or your wide range of experiences. This will also show that you have self-awareness and have an interest in constantly improving. If you’ve filled out our Student Identity Blueprint, then you probably have a pretty good idea about all the cool things that make you, you — and now it’s time to share them (keep reading to learn how). If you haven’t filled out your Blueprint, connect with a coach to get started.

Waterloo CS AIF Essay Template – Additional Information

Get started on your template here (Click File > Make a Copy > Save to your computer).

The general structure of your answer to this question should have these components (get a detailed breakdown of these components here):

  • Hypothesis/Answer (~250 characters)
    • List 1-2 things that differentiate you from everyone else. Think outside the box to help you stand out from other candidates.
  • Main Reason(s) & Supporting Arguments (~350 characters)
    • Imagine you’re someone else…now describe yourself. Be personable and unique. Was there something specific that impacted who you are (like an experience, upbringing, circumstance, etc.)? What would the admissions committee be surprised to learn about you?
  • So What? (~300 characters)
    • Describe how who you are makes you not just a good fit, but also a good asset to Waterloo. Remember: you want to go there, but they want to attract the best students. Tell them why you are the best student. Finish by providing a brief explanation for why you are the best and will succeed at Waterloo. Make this explicit and catchy.

Not sure which differentiator to focus on? Connect with a coach to choose the best one.  

Waterloo CS AIF Essay Question Example – Additional Information

Here are two examples for this question:

REMEMBER: These are EXAMPLES ONLY and are NOT meant for you to copy. Why? First and foremost, this is plagiarism and is a serious offense. Plagiarizing these essays will result in immediate disqualification from the admissions process. This can be easily detected using technology and application reviewers are usually trained and/or able to spot when an application isn’t original and does not align with an applicant’s background, personality, values, etc.

Example 1: Creativity

Computer science in waterloo AIF tips and examples

Example 2: Perseverance

Computer science in waterloo AIF tips and examples

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Computer Science Waterloo: AIF Tips, Section 3 – Courses

This section focuses on the coursework you’ve completed in school, as well as additional outside courses


“List your current courses and courses that you will complete by the end of the academic year.”

COACH’S TIP: There are specific instructions for Ontario students, students outside of Ontario, and all students, so make sure you read the instructions carefully to ensure you’re giving the correct information. Also, do not try to convert your grades from 1-100 (e.g. 91%). AP uses grading from 1-5, so under “level” list AP and then put the actual grade in the course mark section.

If you need help with this section, connect with a coach for support.

Waterloo CS AIF Template – Current Courses

Get started on your template here (Click File > Make a Copy).

You are required to list the following information:

  • Course name
  • Level 
  • School
  • Completion Date (if incomplete, write IP) 
  • Whether you added this course as (if applicable)
    • Night School
    • Summer School
    • Saturday School
    • Distance Education/Online 
  • Repeated 
  • Course mark 

Waterloo CS AIF Example – Current Courses

Here’s an example of what this section might look like:

waterloo AIF example


“List all the courses you’ve taken in Grades 9-11.”

Waterloo CS AIF Template – Courses Prior to Fall 2022

Get started on your template here (Click File > Make a Copy).

You are required to list the following information:

  • Course name
  • Level 
  • Scool
  • Completion Date 
  • Whether you added this course as (if applicable)
    • Night School
    • Summer School
    • Saturday School
    • Distance Education/Online 
  • Repeated 
  • Course mark 

COACH’S TIP: Just like in Question 1, make sure you read the instructions carefully for Ontario students, students outside of Ontario, and all students. 


“If you are not attending high school, CEGEP, or equivalent, list courses relevant to our admission requirements for the program(s) you applied to. Please explain your background in this section. (900 character limit)”

Waterloo CS AIF Essay Question Breakdown – Additional Course Information

This essay does not need to be extremely detailed, but it is meant to provide the admissions committee with a brief explanation about additional courses you’ve completed and why you completed them.

Answer these questions in your essay:

  • What were the additional courses?
  • When did you take this course?
  • Why did you take this course?
  • What was the outcome?
  • How will it help you at Waterloo (optional)?

Do this for every course that falls into this category, making a separate paragraph for each.

Waterloo CS AIF Template – Additional Courses Information

Get started on your template here (Click File > Make a Copy > Save to your computer).

Complete this section if you took courses outside of high school that weren’t repeated or upgrade courses.

We designed this template in a way that will help you organize your thoughts and give the necessary background for each course, so that you can easily turn it into an essay. 

You’ll see sections for:

  • When (you took the course)
  • Course Name
  • Background 

Add bullet points in each section, and when you’re done, take out the bullet points and make complete sentences. It’s that easy!

Waterloo CS AIF Example – Additional Courses Information

Here’s an example of this question using the template, and then easily turning it into an essay:

waterloo engineering AIF example


“Please provide a reason why any Grade 12 (or equivalent) courses listed above were not taken at your regular day school. (900 character limit)”

Waterloo CS AIF Essay Question Breakdown – Courses Not Taken at Your Regular Day School

This essay does not need to be extremely detailed, but it is meant to provide the admissions committee with a brief explanation about courses you’ve completed outside of regular school and why.

Answer these questions in your essay:

  • What was the course?
  • When did you take this course?
  • Why did you take this course?
  • What was the outcome?
  • How will it help you at Waterloo (optional)?

Do this for every course that falls into this category, making a separate paragraph for each.

Waterloo CS AIF Essay Template – Courses Not Taken at Your Regular Day School

Get started on your template here (Click File > Make a Copy).

If you checked “Night School”, “Summer School”, “Saturday School”, or “Distance Education/Online” for any courses in the questions above, explain why you took those courses here. 

Here’s a template so you can write bullet points under “Course Name” and “Explanation” for each course, and then use that to easily create an essay afterwards. 

Do this for every course that falls into this category.

Waterloo CS AIF Example – Courses Not Taken at Your Regular Day School

Here’s an example of this question using the template, and then easily turning it into an essay:

waterloo engineering AIF example

Here’s an example of an essay from the above example: 

I took ENG4U in summer school. As a result of playing Junior Hockey, my workload during the school year is intense. As a result, I need to take courses in the summer to balance the workload during the school year. Even though I am taking one less class during the year, I still have an above workload during the year as a result of hockey.


“Please provide a reason why any Grade 12 (or equivalent) courses listed above were repeated. (900 character limit)”

Waterloo CS AIF Essay Question Breakdown – Repeated Courses

This essay does not need to be extremely detailed, but it is meant to provide the admissions committee with a brief explanation about courses you’ve had to redo and why.

Answer these questions in your essay:

  • What was the course?
  • When did you take this course?
  • Why did you have to take this course again?
  • What was the outcome?

Do this for every course that falls into this category, making a separate paragraph for each.

Waterloo CS AIF Essay Template – Repeated Courses

Get started on your template here (Click File > Make a Copy).

If you took a class again, like Grade 12 Math or English, explain why you did that here. 

REMEMBER: If you repeat a required course, Waterloo will either take the original grade OR the new grade, and then deduct 5 points off that. For example, if you got an 80 the first time you took Grade 12 Math and then you took it again and got a 90, Waterloo will record it as an 85. If it is not a required course, there will be no adjustment. 

Use this template for every course that falls into this category.

  • Course name (<5 words): 
    • List the full course name and the course code.
  • When You Took It (<10 words): 
    • Write when you took the course.
  • Why Did You Take The Course Again? (<40 words): 
    • Explain the circumstances that caused you to retake the course.
  • What Was the Outcome? (<45 words):
    • Talk about what happened when you took it again (i.e. whether you passed/failed taking it again, the grade you got when you retook it, etc.)

You can write bullet points under each of these components, then simply remove the bullets to create complete sentences when you’re done.

Waterloo CS AIF Example – Repeated Courses

Here’s a Waterloo essay example of this question using the template:

Example 1: Accident

Computer science in waterloo AIF tips and examples


“If you have been out of school and are in the process of refreshing your academic skills for admission to the University of Waterloo, such as by taking pre-university-level mathematics courses, please list the course(s) below. (600 character limit)”

Waterloo CS AIF Essay Question Breakdown – Upgrading

Answer these questions in your essay:

  • What was the course?
  • When did you take this course?
  • Why didn’t you complete this course previously?
  • What was the outcome?

Do this for every course that falls into this category, making a separate paragraph for each.

If you have the character space, briefly emphasize your passion for computer science here. Showing willingness to upgrade so that you can pursue a degree in the field of computer science will showcase your passion, dedication, and interest in this field.

Waterloo CS AIF Essay Template – Upgrading

Get started on your template here (Click File > Make a Copy).

Use this template to write bullet points under “Course Name” and “Explanation” for each course, and then use that to easily create an essay afterwards. 

Do this for every course that falls into this category.

Waterloo CS AIF Example – Upgrading

Here’s an example of this question using the template, and then easily turning it into an essay:

Computer science in waterloo university AIF tips and examples

Here’s how to easily turn this answer into an essay: 

After graduating high school, I took MHF4U at an adult high school. Originally when I graduated high school, I wanted to go into Political Science and therefore I did not require this course. However, I have since realized that my passion lies in computer science so I took MHF4U in order to be a strong applicant for the CS program at Waterloo.

If you are unsure about what category your courses fall under for the questions above, or you’re unsure about how to create simple and informative essays to explain each course, connect with a coach anytime for help. 

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Computer Science Waterloo: AIF Tips, Section 4 – Math Computer Science 

IMPORTANT: This section of the Waterloo AIF is for Math Computer Science applicants only.

This section focuses on the contests and competitions you’ve participated in, including the Euclid Contest, Canadian Computing Competition, and others. 

Participating in these competitions and contests aren’t mandatory for admission, but they could help you stand out in your application and be considered for scholarships

REMEMBER: Even though most of the questions and essays below are technically optional, we highly recommend that you complete ALL of them (especially the pandemic essay in Question 5). 


There is strong evidence that students who prepare for and participate in mathematics are more likely to succeed in university-level mathematics courses. 

If you have written any of the following contests, enter the score you received. If you have not written any of the following contests, check the ‘no’ checkbox. If you have written any of the following contests and do not know the score, please leave the box blank.

Waterloo CS AIF Essay Template – Mathematics Contests 

Get started on your template here (Click File > Make a Copy).

For this question you simply need to answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the following questions. 

  • Did you write the Euclid Contest in April 2022?
  • Did you write the Fermat Contest in February 2022?
  • Did you write the Hypata Contest in April 2022?
  • Do you plan or did you write the Canadian Senior Mathematics Contest in November 2022?

If you answer ‘Yes’ to any of these, state the score you received (if you don’t know the score, leave it blank).

Waterloo CS AIF Example – Mathematics Contests 

Here’s an example of what this completed section might look like in your AIF. 

REMEMBER: This is an EXAMPLE ONLY and is NOT meant for you to copy. Why? First and foremost, this is plagiarism and is a serious offense. Plagiarizing these essays will result in immediate disqualification from the admissions process. This can be easily detected using technology and application reviewers are usually trained and/or able to spot when an application isn’t original and does not align with an applicant’s background, personality, values, etc.

Computer science in waterloo AIF tips and examples


We recommend that you prepare for and write the Euclid Contest. The Euclid Contest is not required for admission, but a strong performance on the Euclid Contest can help earn you a place in the Faculty of Mathematics. Results from the Euclid Contest will be a factor in awarding entrance scholarships, and you will be considered for most entrance scholarships only if you write the Euclid Contest. 

Are you planning to write the Euclid Contest in April 2023?

For this question, simply answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.


Waterloo CS AIF Essay Template – Canadian Computing Competition  

Get started on your template here (Click File > Make a Copy).

For this question you simply need to answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the following questions. 

  • Will you write Canadian Computing Competition (Senor level) in February 2022? If yes, leave the score blank.
  • Did you write the Canadian Computing Competition (Senior level) in February 2021?

If you answer ‘Yes’ to the first question, leave the score blank, and write your score if you said ‘Yes’ to the second question. 

Waterloo AIF Example – Canadian Computing Competition 

Here’s an example of what this completed section might look like in your AIF. 

REMEMBER: This is an EXAMPLE ONLY and is NOT meant for you to copy. 

Computer science in waterloo AIF tips and examples


If you have written or are planning to write other contests, other math or non-math, please list them below with your scores, if available. (Limit 100 characters) 

Waterloo AIF Essay Template – Canadian Computing Competition  

Get started on your template here (Click File > Make a Copy).

If you have completed any other contests, list them in this section following this structure: 

  • [Contest Name], [Year Completed], [Score – if available]


During the coronavirus pandemic, our lives have changed dramatically. For some of us, this has meant significant changes to our personal, family and community lives. You might have spent time caring for people around you. You might have spent more time on academic work than usual. You might have been able to use this as an opportunity for growth in other ways. Please tell us about two or three of the most significant things that have taken your time during the pandemic. (Limit 900 characters) 

Waterloo CS AIF Breakdown – Pandemic Information 

This question asks you to discuss how the pandemic has changed various areas of your life. 

Not only does it allow you to discuss your experiences and give some insight into your personal interests, but it also focuses on your ability to adapt and respond to difficult situations

Notice the key phrase in this question: “You might have been able to use this as an opportunity for growth in other ways.” What the admissions committee is looking for here is a discussion of your journey of evolution and personal growth in all areas of your life. This is what they mean by “significant” in the statement “the most significant things that have taken your time during the pandemic.”

Rather than listing a bunch of things you did during COVID, you need to provide deep personal insight and learning outcomes. Go beyond simply saying “The pandemic was hard because everything closed.” Instead, paint the picture of things like your involvement in your community/group before COVID (‘before’), how you discovered a personal passion, that you cared for others, etc. Talk about the experiences, challenges, what you learned, and how you came out better in the end (‘after’). 

The question also asks for you to comment on 2-3 experiences. Avoid just listing off a bunch of experiences. Instead, focus all of your experiences around a specific theme, like your interest in Computer Science, building problem solving skills, or how all the experiences helped you discover something about yourself that you didn’t know before. 

The most important thing here is to provide interesting and unique experiences that will capture the attention of your audience so you can show them your growth, learning, and change over time. To make this process easier for you, we’ve developed the Deductive Communication Approach™ so you can create memorable essays using a top-down essay structure. Read more about it here or connect with a coach to learn how to use it in your Waterloo AIF essay responses.

Waterloo CS AIF Template – Pandemic Information 

The general structure of your answer to this question should have these 4 components (click here to learn more about each of them):

  • Answer/Hypothesis (~150-200 characters)
    • Capture the reader’s attention and briefly state your 2-3 experiences. Next, briefly discuss the theme of these experiences and give a preview of how this helped you grow.
  • Main Reason(s) (~200-250 characters)
    • Briefly describe each experience (when/how it started, what you did, for how long, etc. – focus on the 5Ws). Then, for each experience, provide an explanation of the outcome of that experience (providing quantifiable data, like hours worked, money raised, etc. wherever possible). 
  • Supporting Arguments (~250-300 characters)
    • Provide a few examples of situations in each experience where you learned something valuable that helped you grow as a person and incited deep learning outcomes. Try to answer the questions like: How did this experience impact your life? What were the challenges that arose? What skills did you learn to solve the challenges?
  • So What? (~200-250 characters)
    • Describe how these experiences helped you to learn and grow as a young adult and student. Be as specific as possible about what you learned, tying your 2-3 experiences back to your theme and providing specific examples of the impact this experience had on your life today. Finally, briefly state how you will use this learning at Waterloo CS.

REMEMBER: There is a 900 characters limit for this answer.

Waterloo CS AIF Example – Pandemic Information 

Here’s an example of what an essay for this question might look like. 

REMEMBER: This is an EXAMPLE ONLY and is NOT meant for you to copy.

Computer science in waterloo AIF tips and examples


Provide the information below for a mathematics teacher who could act as a reference for you. Your teacher does not have to do anything at this time, but may be contacted later by admissions personnel to provide a reference. 

Ontario Students – Please provide the information for the teacher who taught you Grade 12 U Advanced Functions or Grade 12 U Calculus and Vectors. If you have not taken either of these courses, provide the information for a mathematics teacher who taught you a senior mathematics course. 

All other students – Please provide the information for a teacher who taught you Grade 12, CEGEP, a senior level mathematics course, or a college/university mathematics course. 

If you’re currently not attending a high school, college, or university, please provide the name and contact information for a person who could act as a professional or personal reference. 

Waterloo CS AIF Essay Template – Reference Information

Get started on your template here (Click File > Make a Copy).

COACH’S TIP: Before listing the name and contact information for your reference, make sure that you ask them for permission first, so that if they get a call or email from Waterloo Sauder then they’re not surprised. 

You should provide the following information: 

  • Reference Type
  • First Name
  • Last Name 
  • School/Employer
  • Telephone
  • Email Address

Waterloo CS AIF Example – Reference Information 

Here’s an example of what the Reference Information could look like: 

Computer science in waterloo AIF tips and examples

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