SOLUS is the Queen’s Commerce portal online. Queen’s Commerce manages all application information with SOLUS, which is run by Oracle’s PeopleSoft software. It’s a handy platform, so you’ll want to be comfortable using it.
You’ll want to have access to SOLUS, as it will provide you with a list of all required application documents and also allow you to check on your application status.
SOLUS stands for “student on line university system.” Interestingly, “solus” is also the Gaelic word for “knowledge and light.”
REMEMBER: you’ll need to use SOLUS to check your application “To Do List” and your application status Also, if you decide to enroll at Queen’s, you’ll use SOLUS as a current student to access key student information.
How To Access and Login to SOLUS
To login to SOLUS, you’ll need to have your Net ID, which is a unique combination of letters and numbers that Queen’s provides to all applicants and enrolled students.
To get your Net ID, you’ll have to first apply online on the OUAC (Ontario Universities’ Application Centre). After you apply on OUAC, keep an eye out for the confirmation email. You should receive this after submitting your OUAC application. This email will give you your Student ID.
Then, you can activate your Net ID account. The email from Queen’s will instruct you how to do this. Be sure to add as a safe sender for whatever email account you used to apply through the OUAC. If you didn’t receive your confirmation email, check your SPAM for it.
Remember to keep your Student ID and Net ID somewhere safe, because you’ll be needing them!
To login to the Queeb’s Commerce portal, SOLUS, you have to first log into your MyQUeens U (
You’ll have to click the little red “SOLUS” button to access SOLUS. See the picture below. Then, you’ll be asked to enter your Net ID.

If you’re having problems with SOLUS, imagine how much more complicated the rest of the admissions process will be.
Reach out to our Queen’s Commerce experts through our Youth Coaching services. We’ve helped hundreds of students navigate the complicated process of applications.
Check out what one client said about our services:
“And through about two months of working together, Joel’s helped me with multiple applications to which I’m submitting very confidently. I’d recommend [the Youthfully] program for any student applying to university.”
Also, check out our Queen’s Commerce Guide for a comprehensive breakdown of essential, need-to-know information for prospective applicants.